birthright labs

at birthright labs, we explore, imagine and cocreate mission-driven platforms, solutions and brands.

first hypothesis studios.

an incubation studio that serves as a collaborative springboard to the boundless.
providing tools and networks for innovators to create ventures that advance economic dignity and social impact in low-resource communities. our growth programs helps locally successful, sustainable brands and creators become globally impactful. with technology, regional reach, and production support, we help amplify local impact into global influence

curious institute.

a think tank exploring the unthinkable.
from whitepapers to working prototypes, we nurture bold ideas that drive health and wealth equity at the intersection of science, design, and imagination.
curious is a hub of optimistic contrarians that keep asking questions even [especially?] after consensus.

we invite you to apply to birthright labs residency  or support the mission.

kindly contact labs at